Congradulations with your accomplishment so far Jayden.
Increasing daily activity is one of the easiest first step you can make to shed some weight. Some will claim that it's easier to cut calories, and that's true from an effort point of view. But increasing phisical activity will offer numerous additional benefits.
A trick I use, which has nothing to do with gym is cleaning. I always wake up early, and often our kids left a bunch of toys from the day before. The first minutes I wake up, I straight away start to gather all stuff, and while I do so, I focus on deep squats, pauze squats, and slow but ful range of motion movements to gather everything.
I abuse this situation as part of mobility exercise before I hit our home garage gym.
You can do the same when cleaning the house. While doing so, take advantage to concentrate on your movements and improve your proprioception.
I find this very helpful and this way you increase your N.E.A.T.
Pleasure to read you article man.
Good luck.