Hi Jay!
Great to hear you're doing well man!
I've encountered a lot of articles about creatine the last couple of years, and 99% seemed rather positive. But I noticed most "fitness/bodybuilding influencers" didn't seem to have long-term experience with the product.
Since protein shakes (fresh whole-garden-eggs included ;) but still thanks for the tip!), and a bit of creatine monohydrate are the only supplements I've taken consistently over the past 20y+, I thought it might serve value for some people..
That said, presently I'm writing something on collagen as well, and in the past I've tested around with products like ashwaghanda as well, but this only for short periods.
In the end, every time I dig into something, we must be honest with ourselves and conclude that natural protein sources (mixed with other important natural macro's, and micro's) are always the foundation no matter for what.
I'll space up some time to check out your "I was a Teen-aged bodybuilder" series. I liked reading some of them, and i was very surprised and impressed by your story.
Have a great upcoming year Jay!