Inhuman Powers

The dark side of surviving cancer that can serve as your door to life

Sven Vandenberghe
4 min readOct 23, 2021
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Overcoming can create a dangerous animal

Creating a state of inhuman,

If you are up against an enemy ​that is invisible, someone you know you can’t win a fight against, an opponent with more weapons than you to knock you down. Knowing you almost don’t stand a chance against.

“Most important takeaway: ALMOST​.​”

An ​incomprehensible state is called: “Invincible”​; that’s what you would become if you win. Suggesting that you can’t be conquered or mastered. You are full of courage. Sitting in a ​position that none can take by assault​,​ ​you consider yourself bulletproof against attacks. Having an indomitable will.

Invisible, the new state of mind you find yourself in after survival.

Equipped with extraordinary powers

Understand that whoever jumps hurdles of life with success will find themselves equipped with certain powers. The more hurdles you jump and land​,​ the less ordinary those powers ​become.

Extraordinary power one, Thrive, ​is a power we are all equipped with​,​ but only a few of us ​can do ​it ​effortlessly. A strong…



Sven Vandenberghe

The Energetic Writer & Philomath - Absorb, Read, Write, Sleep, Exercise, Thrive!