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Problems most people battle with to maintain their weight
The internet is full of crap and it leads toward the wrong directions
Overweight people
The mathematical selection.
Weighing in more than what is “the normal weight” for one’s age, height, and build, overweight adolescents and overweight adults typically have a body mass index of 25 to 29.9.
But don’t go this route the full one hundred percent. Let’s say you are within that range of overweight. Ask yourself this question :
“Do I feel great?”
If the answer is yes, and your activity level is on the higher end, you are on the consistency track so.. I wouldn’t bother and stress too much, because in that case your urge to lose weight will be largely influenced by the opinion of someone else. But, Shhtt i didn’t tell you that.
“A healthy mind is a healthy body”
Look, If a person has a high BMI, they are likely to have a high proportion of body fat, especially if their BMI sits within these ranges mentioned above.
It is possible to be “BMI-overweighted” , but have healthful levels of fat. For extremely muscular people, such as athletes and bodybuilders, height and weight measurements alone may not…