Vit D gets absorbed within the fatcells underneath your skin. They generate steroid hormones, which in males have an important lung protective function as well. (In a nutshell)
The last couple of years more data reveiled that higher vit D contribute to a well functioning immune system.
Especially protecting against viral lung infections.
Did you know that the radiative circle which you see around the moon with a full eclipse is actually called "Corona," Radiation is somewhat the activity of vit D, so in that sense..
We have bursts of high and low radiation or "vit D" from time to time, depending on the protective layer of the ozon and your location on earth. There is even a 22 yearly solar cycle as you might know..
Roughly 90% of vit D gets aborbed by means of UV-Light. 10 % gets retrieved from nutrition. Therefore vit D supplementation seems to serve rather as a backup plan, although this depend on many factors.
Factors like:
- Location where you live
- Skin tint
- Amount of outside light exposure
- Gender
-Nutritional state
Possibly some more factors as well.
Still during winter periods when people prefere to stay inside more, a minimum of vit D3 requirements could assist your immune system. It should keep your minimum levels just above the bare minimum. This can be done when you are supplementing at least three to six months in advanced already.
Also the dosages need to be increased a bit. Try to aim around the 4000IU to 6000IU to reap the benefits from it. I think a good way to know if you need more or less would a calculation of your total skin surface.. So lets say the bigger you are the more you would need.. Still gender also plays a role but i can't really tell what those effects are.
More details you could find if you follow Rhonda Patrick on twitter for instance, she provides some decent data on this fact often.
Furthermore, if you back check what i just said here, you should find plenty of quality studies on pubmed and other journals as well.
I hope this helps out a bit.
Great article man! I hope we will get more data reveiled to increase our awareness on this!
I had Leukemia in my younger days and a shortage of Vit D isn't great for recovery i still think. Most hospital setups are actually somewhat anti-healing in my opinion. Low sunlight exposure capabilities and everything which disrupts your circadian rhythm.
Often i think how i got sick, the closest thing which seems logical to me was seasonal infuence of that radiation. Your picture really triggered this response.