When I was a kid myself, it crossed my mind to start writing.
I was planning to write about me curing of a two-year-long AML battle, but I didn’t. I was in a strange mental struggle with myself.
Full of energy and ready to take on the world, but full of doubt and unable to expose my emotions correctly.
I chose the wrong path… In that sense, I can relate with your here.
That devastating path delivered many good moments but also taught me stone-hard life lessons!
Roughly twenty years later, just like you, I am on my writing journey…
The thing is, that path created magnificent stories, and it was part of a process that was meant to be used in a great way. It enables us and many others to mingle some of those aspects in our writing. Those moments are what life is all about, I would say.
It is only now that I understand that if I had started writing at an earlier age, it wouldn’t have been the correct time.
I appreciate your writing, and you increased my awareness of possibly implementing even more adventurous aspects into my writing.